News & Events

On 11th December 2023 Director Barbara Rogosz presented the Minrescue project during Subcarpathian Innovation Forum (

On 5th December 2023 Director Barbara Rogosz presented the Minrescue project during 2nd Business Breakfast of EIT Raw Materials (

On 11th May 2023, Aleksander Wrana & Agnieszka Klupa from GIG, presented the the work for development of products made of polymer concrete with mining waste in Czech Academy of Science at symposium organized in frame of the project Dynamic Planet Earth - Strategie AV21 - The information was also provided about synergies between EU funded projects with emphasis on circular economy approach.

On March 7th 2023, Estefania Cuenca from PoliMi, presented the work performed in the framework of our project on the substitution of natural aggregate in concrete with CMWGs and on the recycled concrete production with aggregates obtained from concretes with CMWGS at the “Rifiuti e Life Cycle Thinking” held in Politecnico di Milano, (Italy).

Dr Magdalena Cempa presented the MINRESCUE results during the meeting of The Observatory Technologies for the Environmental Protection that presents practical solutions for the circular economy. Presentation was a part of three-day visit of an Italian business delegation in Główny Instytut Górnictwa in the framework of the #Plant project.

The 7th MINRESCUE progress meeting was held at BRGM office in Paris on the 27th January 2023. The project reaches the time when first set of technical results can be produced as deliverable reports.

At this stage the utilization of CMWGs as additives to conventional and polymer concrete products is well investigated in course of comprehensive experimental tests. Also, the work on new constitutive model is near to the end. The future work will focus on the development of new products together with their assessment of the LCA analysis.

The discussions led by project coordinator were focused on the potential of results exploitation and organization of the Project Symposium that will be held in Katowice in June 2023.

Dr Agnieszka Klupa, GIG representative, has presented the MINRESCUE results on 10th November 2022 during expert seminar organized jointly by the Polish Society for Mineral Processing and GIG at the Barbara Experimental Mine.

Mining and Minerals Hall is one of the main meetings of the mining sector held in Europe. For three days, it brings together leading companies from around the world and a large sample of the associated auxiliary industry. This year, the event was held in Seville (Spain) between 18th to 20th October 2022; SUBTERRA has participated and presented MINRESCUE works during the 3 days gathering.

SUBTERRA, on behalf of MINRESCUE consortium, has successfully organised an industry-orientated workshop at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on 29/09/2022. The workshop was delivered in-person and in virtual mode to a large number of audiences (across both industry and academia) from all over the world (> 800 full-duration streams). The workshop was followed by the 7th progress meeting of MINRESCUE.

Mr Aleksander Wrana, GIG representative, has attended the 5th Polish Mining Congress on 07/09/2022 and presented MINRESCUE works. This congress is part of the International Fair EXPO KATOWICE - the Fair of Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy, this year with 200 Polish and foreign exhibitors participating.

On June 14th, Prof. Liberato Ferrara from PoliMi, WP3 leader, presented work performed in the framework of our project on the substitution of natural aggregate in concrete with CMWGs from Polish and Spanish mining sites at the 6th fib Congress in Oslo.

The 6th MINRESCUE progress meeting was held at the School of Engineering, the University of Warwick on the 4th and the 5th of July 2022. It was the 2nd face-to-face progress meeting, and this time, organised without any significant disruption caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. The meeting has enabled most consortium partners to properly meet and greet each others for the first time since the start of the project (September 2020). Beginning on time in the afternoon of the 4th, the discussion and the included tour of Warwick's laboratories were very productive that they finished at 6.15 pm, well over 1 hour past the scheduled closing time (conversations continued over the course of our dinner at Scarman centre).

GIG works on optimisation of polymer concrete mixtures. The composition of resin and CMWG’s with different grain size distribution is tested.

Coal waste properties database is now available in dissemination materials.

The 4th MINRESCUE meeting was held on the 30th September and 1st of October 2021. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting was held hybrid at a distance via the online platform of MS Teams and at GIG premises. General project progress and specific deliverables were summed up. The research results obtained were discussed as well as future testing plans. At 1st October the project partners visited coal processing plant at Mine “Piast-Ziemowit” of PGG SA to investigate the coal production process and waste flow and storage facilities.

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