The MINRESCUE project provides innovative solutions for recycling of CMWGs and their application in construction industry.

This project has received funding from the Research Fund

for Coal and Steel under grand agreement No 899518

The problem of Coal Mining Waste Geomaterials (CMWGs) is particularly important as the volume of disposed waste is enormous. The core objective of the project is to develop and validate a strategy to upgrade CMWGs as constituents in sustainable construction materials and products. Hence, with significant money saving and environmental footprint reduction, MINRESCUE will significantly contribute to the establishment of a circular economy in coal mining areas.

Project coordinator:

Dr Mohammad Rezania

Associate Professor in Geotechnical Engineering

School of Engineering

University of Warwick

Coventry, CV4 7AL


T: +44 (0)24 76 522339

F: +44 (0)24 76 524560


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